Originally Posted by ngdawg
It's a cycle. Politicians get those people to believing their promises and where they stand on issues. Don't know if you remember Bush Sr's "read my lips. No new taxes!" Nope...just increased ones. Here in NJ, Corzine made the same "promise" then in less than 6 months our sales tax went from 6% to 7% and he's trying to get us to swallow his proposal for a 200% increase in road tolls and add tolls to the three interstates that go through NJ. To "cut spending", he wants to release prisoners and mental patients, yet the state spent millions renovating a mental hospital that isn't being used.
Hey, I didn't vote for him...
It's a cycle alright. A cycle that needs to be broken. Yes, I remember Bush Sr. I remember them all back to LBJ. They pretty much all say they won't raise taxes, then they do. But hey when you gotta build bridges to nowhere the money has to come from somewhere.
Tolls, fees and licensing are great ways for politicians to raise your taxes and still be able to look into the camera and say I didn't raise taxes. In reality they're just taxes with different names attached to them. And who are effected most by these taxes? The poor and the middle class. But if you do anyway with things like the estate tax you have to make up that income somewhere (even China and Japan are only willing to lend you so much for so long.) And who benefits from those reductions? Rich people like the politicians telling you they won't raise your taxes. Well, rich is a relative term, but I'd consider people with over 4 million per couple rich. That's the current exemption per couple. In 2009 it's set to go to 7 million.
Originally Posted by mixedmedia
Well, you have a point there...I could have easily left McCain out of the equation, but I wanted to at least have the appearance of being non-partisan, lol. He is a bit of a freak. No denying that.
Screw that! After what the GOP's done to the US over the past 7 years I'll be hard pressed to ever vote GOP again, almost everything they said hasn't worked out the way they planned, or at least what they told us they planned. Smaller government? Yeah right! Less spending? Not even close! No to nation building? No, no now we're spreading freedom. Freedom it turns out looks a lot like a military occupation, who knew? An occupation that may just break our economy beyond repair. And when the economy goes to shit what's the answer? Well borrow more money aboard and go into deeper debt so you can send everyone a $300-$600 check of course. That'll get stuff turned around.
I may not vote Dem, may just sit it out and watch to see if Paris forgot her panties again.