Originally Posted by host
43 year old McCain falls in love with a 25 year old from a "mobbed up" family, serves his wife with divorce papers, leaves her and his 4 kids and moves to AZ with new wife. Accepts VP position in new father-in-law's "mobbed up" beer distributorship, but is bored and accepts financial and "mobbed up" polictical onnections network support from mob soldier/ex-con father-in-law, and runs for congress, then for senator.... Wife inherits all of father's underworld financial gains, and today, McCain is 7th wealthiest member of congress, and his wife is worth $200 million plus...definitely a "man of the people"....I've asked before...when does the stench of McCain's "dirty money", get de-odorized, was it when the last person "hit", to first make it all possible, and then cover it all up", ceased to stink up the place?
....yeah, bingo!, McCain is obviously better than anyone of the Dems.....
What do you expect from a guy at the bottom of his class at Anapolis who almost got kicked out for discipline problems. And he's apparently not THAT good of a pilot if he got shot down....
That said, he is a good politician. And I use that word with negative connotations in mind.