Originally Posted by aceventura3
Again you seem to suggest that there would be no circumstance under which you could conceive of violating a law. "Bad laws", need to be broken, they need to be challenged. My first rule in life is to always do what I think is right. If I happen to break a law doing what is the right thing to do, I will accept the consequences but I will always be able to hold my head up high. If I were President and felt I needed to break an outdated FISA law, I would.
Congratulations, you've just committed an impeachable offense.
Of course, you could attempt to cover it up by having subordinates shred any incriminating evidence......oh wait, another impeachable offense.
I got it...make it known to all of your subordinates that if they lie under oath in the course of a Congressional hearing or FBI investigation, that you will commute their sentence. The cover-up is safe.