my two that immediately come to my mind:
Back in about 1972 I was driving home from a big hippieesque picnic I was at all weekend, still in recovery mode from excessive everything, my buddy John was riding next to me; we were blasting home in my '67 XKE Roadster on a real nice winding back road thru the hills of Pennsylvania; as usual, I was driving too fast, came up over a sweeping left hand turn over a sharp crested hill a tad over 100mph, it was dusky so suddenly I'm blinded by high beams right in my eyes, I faulter and lift off the go-pedal which induces sudden oversteer in the Jag (48%F/52%R weight balance) so now we're spinning down the center of a two lane back road scrubbing off as much speed from 100mph as it can, watching telephone poles passing us left and right; I end up slowly rolling off the road backwards into a field right betwen two of the poles; we just looked at each other and said "holy shit" or something to that effect. Another memorable feature of this near-disaster is that John had a large pan in his lap with a lot of leftover spaghetti with meatballs/sauce and when we stopped spinning, the interior of the car had a 10" wide band of spaghetti and sauce around the whole interior at about his lap level. We blew a doobie to calm down and drove home.
The other one I recall was driving home from Phila Airport late one night on the Schuylkill Expressway aka the SureKill Expressway; I was hurrying too fast since the roads were mostly empty; just south of the UofP exit at South St., I decide to move over to the right lane; a couple seconds later as I come around a turn real fast there is a big old Checker taxi completely stopped in the left lane; had I not moved, I would have plowed into it baaaddddd. I said a little prayer in my agnostic sort of way and thanked whoever was watching out for my sorry ass.