Originally Posted by dc_dux
Thats cool....we clearly have different bottom lines.
It is evident by the fact that you have stated on several occasions that if you were president, you would willfully violate the law and your oath of office and spy on American citizens without a warrant or shred White House documents if you thought you knew better than Congress and the Judiciary or if you could get away with it. I would not.
(I have visions of the Ace Administration....the resurrection of J Edgar Hoover or channeling Nixon or perhaps a kitchen cabinet of Bush/Chaney as advisers on how to circumvent the laws of the land).
Again you seem to suggest that there would be no circumstance under which you could conceive of violating a law. "Bad laws", need to be broken, they need to be challenged. My first rule in life is to always do what I think is right. If I happen to break a law doing what is the right thing to do, I will accept the consequences but I will always be able to hold my head up high. If I were President and felt I needed to break an outdated FISA law, I would.