close calls
Jewels' thread about naming cars got me thinking about my old Mustang. I loved that car. I'd probably still be driving it if it hadn't had its nose punched in twice in a 6 month period. (First time, other driver crossed the center line and we hit head on. Second time the other driver ran a stop sign and I t-boned him)
Anyways, I didn't want to talk about accidents. I want to hear stories of close calls. The ones where you find yourself gripping the wheel with white knuckles, eyes bulging and you thinking "HOLY SHIT! How the hell did i get out of that??" or at least where you got a good shot of adrenalin that got you a little shaky afterwards.
The one i remember the most was in the Mustang.
I had just replaced the factory rubber with some Z rated tires when the originals wore out. The shop I went to is located at a busy intersection with 2lanes each way and no guardrails. A light rain had fallen while I was at the shop, so the roads were a bit damp. The driveway was a downhill slope and the road was a slight uphill slope.
I went to pull out as there was no traffic going in my direction but the light had changed and there was traffic headed my way.There was a line of cars waiting for a light going the other way. I pull out a little quickly (I wasn't trying to spin the tires or be overly agressive) when the rear tires spool up and the back end breaks loose. It felt like I was on ice even though it was the middle of summer. I was suddenly staring a a phone pole while almost completely sideways. I get off the throttle and counter steer. Unfortunatly, with the new tires and damp roadway, the momentum swung the back end out the other way slightly so i was staring at a line of stopped cars waiting for a light. Saw a couple people bracing for impact but by then I was going pretty slow and was able to gather it up easy enough and go on my merry way.
Scared the shit out of me though.