Doing what you're contemplating is one of the worst, most mean-spirited, unethical, and downright disrespectful things an individual voter could possibly do in an election.
This is the philosophy that I follow. If you're not voting for the best possible choice in your mind you're hurting the system IMO. Voting lesser of two evils or voting for the liberal candidate that can be beat isn't helping anyone. If you vote Hitlery how does that help a conservative get elected? All that does is put Mccain vs. Hillary. Mccain is not a conservative, but will continue to ruin the name of the GOP while acting as a conservative but implementing very left wing/moderate policies.
If you're a conservative, the only choice is Ron Paul. Mccain is already getting the nomination, but by voting for Paul you will represent a disenfranchised Republican voter which will help move the GOP back to conservative views. He's the only conservative left in the race.