Originally Posted by Baraka_Guru
Obama is more than a black man's empty suit. You might have realized this by now if you were to hear him speak, or take ratbastid's advice.
Of course he is, but his race is why he is where he is. I've read his blueprint for change or whatever he calls it, and guess what, of course it sounds all nice and good and all the problems will end. All hail Obama because we have words that says he will slay the dragons, right the wrongs, and pay for it somehow with other peoples money as he raises taxes through the roof to do so. I personally am really looking forward to paying double the social security tax I'm currently paying.
Obama is Obama, Hillary is Hilary, and McCain is McCain. Of course. What are you trying to say? I'm really not sure, because you've called two of them socialists. That would be like calling McCain a fascist, making Romney a kind of Lord Vader.
It should be obvious. Hilary is not a wild card, we don't need to explain her.
I don't quite know why democrats don't like the term 'socialist' its what they are. If someone can explain to me the difference between a European socialist and say Obama let me know, I'm still waiting for this explanation the last time a democrat had a hissy fit I called the socialists.
IF someone can tell me how they differ substantially PLEASE let me know.