Useful article,
EvilBeefChan. Nice.
I do American Freestyle Karate and have knocked people out with punches. I've also been beat down more times than I can count. I know a little.
Key to success? The moment of contact should have the arm at half extension. Full extension is used to "push through the target" and transfer the energy of the hit. Hits at full extension don't have much "oomph" to 'em. Hits that aren't extended enough are easily diverted as they lack momentum.
A twisting motion in the fist is also useful to obtain hit power. Don't just do "Rock 'Em Sock 'Em Robots" punches (straight out and back), really rifle your fist from the thumbs-towards-your-ears defensive position out to the punch-in-the-face-palm-down position, with most of the twist right at the moment of half-arm-extension impact. Really makes a huge difference. Remember to anchor your foot and pivot on the back foot, throwing your weight into the punch with your whole body.
Speed: Exhale forcefully with each punch. Breathing is easy to forget and critical to maintaining quickness.
Safety: Don't fully lock out your elbow regardless of impact or not. Train yourself to react to misses.
Muscles to work? Triceps. Pecs. Traps. Delts.
Leg position forms the strong foundation that all good punches come from... but I won't get into that.
Originally Posted by World's King
I improved my punch power by purchasing a hand gun.
You're doing it wrong. Those things shoot bullets.