Originally Posted by Martian
And that's what gets me about this trend towards 'u' and '4' and a complete disregard for the English language; it strikes me as disrespectful. If you send me a message that uses the letter 'u' as a substitute for the word 'you,' that tells me that you don't respect me enough to take the extra second out of your day to add two keystrokes. That minuscule fraction of time is more valuable to you than sending me a legible message. That may just be the way I interpret it, being something of a grammar nazi myself, but when I communicate with others online I don't want to risk having them view my messages the same way.
Using silly contractions like U instead of YOU conveys something about the kind of person you are. I can understand it when you're writing a text, and removing two characters saves you the cost of sending a second text (heck, I've done that myself). However, persistently or habitually doing so implies that you don't really care about doing things properly. Doing that in a job application or in reply to a dating ad does NOT help my image of you.
A friend of mine used to abbreviate cool as kl. He's a kl guy, but for goodness' sake...