If you had one question to ask a major presidential candidate...
This thread is strictly about the following hypothetical situation: you are at a question-and-answer session featuring one of the major presidential candidates, namely Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, John McCain, or Mike Huckabee. You are given a turn at the microphone, and now have a once-in-a-lifetime chance to ask the candidate any question you like. What question would you choose?
Please keep the questions serious, and avoid unnecessary snark or bitterness towards a candidate. The questions I'm interested in are genuinely the ones that you'd like answers to, candidate to constituent.
Here are my questions, sorted by candidate:
Hillary Clinton:
Many millions of people within the United States, and untold numbers around the world, understood that the passage of the Iraq War Authorization was a guarantee that Bush would go to war. Given that so many others knew at the time what that vote was really about, how can you continue to claim that your "aye" vote was not a mistake?
Barack Obama:
Your campaign is premised on the promise that an Obama Presidency will be able to reach across party lines to accomplish significant change within a bipartisan framework. However, the Republican minority in this Congress has engaged in obstructionism on every front, and professes policy positions massively different than yours on issues ranging from the Iraq War to health care to immigration. How will you go about creating a large bipartisan coalition given this reality?
John McCain:
Will you, as President, support any measures that will increase the number of illegal immigrants who attain citizenship?
Mike Huckabee:
As Governor of Arkansas, you were responsible for the early release of a convicted rapist over the pleas of his victims, their families, and the parole board. He subsequently went on to rape and murder at least one girl. Why did you support his release, and how can the country trust the judgment of someone who did this?
"You have reached Ritual Sacrifice. For goats press one, or say 'goats.'"