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Old 02-12-2008, 11:15 AM   #50 (permalink)
The Death Card
Ace_O_Spades's Avatar
Location: EH!?!?
To begin... FUCK! I just wrote a huge post and then had the forum delete it. GREAT.

Anyway... I'm gonna try to get the thread back on track with this:

PM open to compromise with Liberals on Afghan mission
The Conservative government will consider tabling a new motion to extend Canada's mission in Afghanistan until the end of 2011 that could include elements from the Opposition Liberals' proposed amendment, Prime Minister Stephen Harper said Tuesday.

The move could lead to a deal between the two parties to avoid a spring election being triggered over the current motion, which the prime minister has declared a confidence vote that could topple his minority government if defeated.

Earlier Tuesday, the Liberals released details of an amendment calling for an end to Canada's Afghan combat mission by next February. The amendment, which still must be tabled in the House of Commons, also calls for the mission to refocus on reconstruction and training, followed by a complete withdrawal of Canadian troops by July 2011, Liberal Leader Stéphane Dion told reporters at the National Press Gallery in Ottawa.

Just over an hour later, Harper called the Liberal amendment a "positive development" that is "moving the debate in the right direction" on Afghanistan, away from the "fundamentally different position" of the NDP and Bloc Québécois, which have called for the immediate withdrawal of Canadian forces.

"The government's objective is to see common ground here so we will look at these in great detail," Harper told reporters from the foyer of Parliament.

MPs were expected to vote in March on the current government motion to extend the Afghan mission until 2011.

It states only that "the results of progress in Afghanistan, including Canada's military deployment, will be reviewed in 2011."

Under the government plan, Canada would agree to extend the Afghan mission past an existing 2009 expiry on two conditions:

Another NATO country would have to send 1,000 troops to fight alongside the 2,500 Canadians.
Ottawa would have to procure transport helicopters and reconnaissance drones to help the force avoid ambushes.
Afghan mission 'must change': Dion
However, Dion said Canada must reshape its priorities in the mission to better suit its skills in reconstruction, but indicated the post-February 2009 mission could involve combat to protect reconstruction efforts.

"The mission must change," Dion told reporters. "The mission must have a clear end date. The mission must be more than about the military.

"Without compromising our principles, the wording of the motion has been carefully chosen to maximize the possibility of an agreement for the sake of Canada, Afghanistan and the mission."

The Liberal leader said the government has had difficulty attaining the additional troops recommended in the Manley report to support Canadian forces in Kandahar province because Canada's mission lacked a "clear, firm timeline."

"You see how much NATO was surprised and unprepared by the request by Canada. We cannot repeat the same mistake," Dion said.

Dion dismissed concerns that the amendment would create a policy tantamount to the very caveats that have restricted the use of Canada's NATO allies in Afghanistan, leaving the bulk of combat to Canadian, Dutch, British and U.S. troops in the south and east of the embattled country.

"I don't call it a caveat," Dion said. "I said it's a clear design for a new mission."

For his part, Harper praised the "greater clarity" of the Liberal position, saying it backs away from any suggestion that politicians would dictate any operational decisions to military commanders.

"Afghanistan is a extremely dangerous environment, and I don't think it is realistic that military commanders would be phoning 24 Sussex every other day to ask whether they could undertake certain operations and not other operations.

"I don't think it can be a Conservative mission or a Liberal mission. It must be a Canadian mission."

Tories willing to accept 2011 end date

Earlier Tuesday, CBC News learned that the Conservative government is willing to end Canada's military mission in Afghanistan in 2011 if Parliament votes to let the mission run until then.

Sources say the government would accept that date to end questions about how long the military will have to stay in Afghanistan.

In an interview with CBC News on Tuesday, government House leader Peter Van Loan called the dispute over the wording "a constitutional nicety," but said there was "an awful lot of common ground" to find a solution.

"We cannot tie the hands of a future Parliament, but our objective is quite clear to have this mission completed by 2011 and that's reflected in our motion," he said.

Amendment calls for transparency, special envoy
The Liberal amendment also calls for maintaining the current suspension on the transfer of Afghan detainees to Afghan authorities until "substantive reforms of the prison system in Afghanistan are undertaken so the systemic risk of torture is eliminated."

Dion is also demanding more transparency from Conservatives regarding the mission.

He said he wants the government to submit quarterly progress reports to Parliament, and will ask for cabinet ministers to make monthly appearances before a new Commons committee on Afghanistan.

The amendment also calls for the appointment of a special envoy dedicated to ensuring "greater coherence" in Canada's diplomatic initiatives in the region and the fair treatment of Afghan detainees.
Bravo! This Liberal motion was everything I was looking for out of this debate. I'm impressed Harper backed up on his refusal to negotiate; it would appear they would refuse to negotiate with the hard-line stance of the Bloc and the NDP, which I didn't agree with anyway.

Everything hinges on NATO supplying the troops, which I believe they can do. It's time for other NATO countries to help shoulder the load of slogging through the most dangerous area of the country.

I also agree that if Pakistan can't deal with the terrorist activity in its border region with Afghanistan, the international community should be able to help them out with that. And to think, remember how badly Dion got jumped on for even suggesting it? I think it's going to happen, because success in Afghanistan doesn't happen when they can retreat to Pakistan at will.

It kinda makes you wonder if Bush just got Iraq and Pakistan confused when he was deciding which country to invade next. Dictator subverting democracy? Check. Weapons of mass destruction? Check. Harboring terrorists? Check.

But you know, all those middle eastern countries are pretty much the same anyway...
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