Originally Posted by dlish
just a question though.. you make it sound like natural lubing is a choice..i thought its as much a choice as a man having an erection while getting it on..
Actually, I WISH it were a choice... but instead, it seems to depend on my mood, how tired I am, how long the foreplay lasts, how horny I am, how horny my husband is, how much water I drank that day, god knows what else... it's definitely not "automatic."
So I feel like I have very little choice at all about how wet I am, and it just depends on my body and what other variables are going on at that particular moment. Most of the time we have sex, I'm not as wet as I'd like to be. And then occasionally, I'll be dripping wet, usually due to prolonged and intense foreplay... but taking THAT long to have foreplay, during the week, just seems improbable. We both wake up before 8am, we like to get our 8 hours of sleep, he's working 40 hours and taking a night class... so a lot of times we're just trying to squeeze in a little nookie before sleeping, and we're not really taking the time.
Jewels, I like the idea of taking the extra 10 minutes or so, but going to work with that little sleep 3-4 times a week just isn't possible for us... how did you manage that, and for how long did that go on? I could see it for myself, for a brief period... but not for years and years, you know? Especially after we have kids and we're just completely worn out all the time... I dunno.
Maybe I should just start watching porn every night, since I don't have any erotica floating around as snowy said.