Originally posted by Spungfoo
I've said this before and I'll say it again.
<i> You need to introduce germs into your body in order to build up a resistance to them. </i>
Sterilizing your life to hell and back isn't going to help you one bit, it'll just insure you get sick more often. I'm not trying to grate on you, but I see this everywhere and people wonder why they get sick all the time. I've avoided the sterilization of everthing nearly all my life, and in the past 11 years I've only been majorly ill twice.
Anyway, I would just explain to the waiting handshaker that you're just about to eat and just finished washing your hands. If they're your friends they should understand.
I feel the same way. I'm not anal about any of that stuff like some of my friends. I have gotten sick once this year. That's a lot less than any of my friends that are anal about washing their hands. Immune system is there for a reason! And, to boot, amazingly, it adapts to situations! Go go human body.