Getting wet...
I'm curious about the Standard Operating Protocol (especially for people who are married/in long-term relationships) for getting the woman wet during foreplay. I don't mean HOW you do it... different strokes for different folks, heh. I mean, who usually does it, and what happens when it doesn't work, etc.
I should state that I'm not the type who turns on a faucet in her crotch at the moment my man touches me... even if I'm extremely horny, it takes a bit of work to get things flowing down there, and often we don't have the time/patience for that. So we keep some lube next to the bed for easy access, which usually resolves the issue.
But the fact remains that usually, it's my husband who is doing the getting-me-wet work, and/or the lubing... and this dynamic isn't always ideal, since the burden is all on him. I've tried doing it myself as well, but somehow it doesn't have the same effect. So I'm here to ask the TFP about how other couples resolve this issue, especially if the woman doesn't get wet very easily.
Men, how do you approach this kind of situation? Women, do you take the work into your own hands, use a vibrator, etc?
And think not you can direct the course of Love;
for Love, if it finds you worthy, directs your course.
--Khalil Gibran