Thread: Looks, Society
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Old 02-12-2008, 01:01 AM   #15 (permalink)
Aurally Fixated
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Originally Posted by lktknow
I guess Seaver just about said it all, although I wasn't really complaining about it. Just sort of venting on the wrongness of it sometimes. I have noticed it many times through my lifetime, and didn't like it then, and don't much care, for the injustice of it now.
Is it more wrong than, say, the social advantage of being born into a family with more money or a higher social class? It's not your fault. You have what you have, you do what you can with it.

I'd say if you feel aggrieved by it, improve yourself in other areas of your life. Why does the world dislike Paris Hilton? Because she was born into money (and, arguably, good looks) and gets by on it with no attempt to actually use it to good advantage. Compare with someone who is born into money, decides to work hard and do well for him/herself, and achieves something in his/her own right. People may still think they were only successful because of what they were born into (the same way people might assume things about you because of your looks), but who cares about them? At least THEY know they've made the most of it instead of resting on their laurels.
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