Claiming this war is on the religion itself is pretty weak.
Sometimes though, when I see people who sit back and claim "it doesnt hurt ME, so why bother?" or just stepping aside all together and somehow justifying injustices to themselves, a teeny little part of me hopes it DOES happen to them, and they will understand why cowardice and apathy are never the best course of action against a wrong.
Originally Posted by Augi
You mean"Props to them," that they sucker people in while still holding out the hefty collection plate?
It's more like "Props to them" that they financially destroy most of its members, up to the point of suicide in far too many cases, been the direct cause of far too many of its members deaths, and actually SUPPORTS the destruction of anyone who speaks against them.... up to the point of killing them.
I would venture to guess.
Furthermore, even using the term "Collection plate" is not appropriate, that implies you donate, donating would mean you aren't forced to pay more than 300,000 dollars to learn about the religion.
Last I heard, I can pick up a bible and learn exactly as much or more than even the highest ranking catholic priest in the world knows.
(Where = bible replace = Koran = Torah = ANY religious scriptures)