"Lazy vocals" wasn't a shot at the genre; the vocal style of the genre for the most part is sung with a stumbled croon. Most bands I listen to, who I think are incredible, have a front man/woman with this style. It's not the production value, it is a style choice. Emo has a whine, rock has a growl, country has the breaking in and out of falsetto, etc. An incredible Americana-esque rock band called The Hold Steady put out an amazing album last year called "Boys and Girls in America" and the lead singer sounds as if he is drunk and stumbling through the lyrics; it is a choice.
By mismatched instruments I am pointing at the often large groups of people playing instruments often unused in popular music. The album I plugged at the top of the post, Vampire Weekend, has the harpsichord, the marimba, steel drum, electric guitar, bass, piano, trumpet, several string instruments. They utilize a larger group of instruments that seem unlikely.
I am poking fun at a genre that got the "i don't get it" comment, until the OC played Death Cab and Bright Eyes; suddenly it was rad. I love the music I listen to and the music I make; I don't need your elitist attitude or your lecture on what is and what isn't or on the progression of popular music or the process in which large labels take advantage of it. I'm good.
And just for a clarification folks; I intended this thread to be a discussion of artists and albums, not the genre. I love and appreciate the direction it has taken but I find that most of the music in the "what was the last album you bought" or "what are you listening to right now" threads aren't really my thing.
EX: Whats new?
ME: I officially love coffee more then you now.
EX: uh...
ME: So, not much.