Originally Posted by dc_dux
I think this is the creepiest Huckabee story I've seen: In March 1997, after a tornado ripped through Arkadelphia killing six people and destroying over 70 businesses downtown, Gov. Huckabee held up disaster funding for weeks because he objected to the insurance industry’s term for destruction-by-tornado: “act of God”: Senate Bill 491 was so straightforward it ran to only two pages. It sought to protect tornado victims from insurance companies that might cancel policies after they filed claims. “No insurance policy or contract covering damages to property shall be canceled nor the renewal thereof denied solely as a result of claims arising from acts of God,” it read.
“Acts of God” had a long history in English maritime law and was standard language in many insurance policies…
According to state legislative records, Huckabee first registered his objection to the Senate bill five days after the tornado. But his staff did not relay his concerns, he later wrote.
“While I realize that to some this is a minor issue, it is a matter of deep conscience with me to attribute in law a destructive and deadly force as being an ‘act of God,’ ” he eventually wrote to the bill’s sponsors, [state Rep. Dennis R.] Young and Sen. Wayne Dowd. While acknowledging that “acts of God” was the “appropriate” legal term, he suggested the legislature substitute “natural disaster.” Amazingly, Huckabee won this argument. After five alternative phrases for “acts of God” were rejected, the governor and the legislature came to terms on the phrase “natural causes.”
On April 4, three weeks after the town was nearly wiped off the map, Huckabee finally released the disaster relief funds.
I always thought the right wing whacks were the first to blame disasters on a vengeful God. Isn't it Pat Robinson who's always blaming the gays et el for causing God to strike out in the form of "acts of God."
But as one of the posters, Big Dan, to the article you linked said:
I really think that the Nazi rightwing media is bashing Huckabee because he’s sincere about mixing church & state. All the Republicans lie about it just to appeal to their crazy evangelical right base, and here comes Huckabee who really means it! He doesn’t get it, that you’re supposed to lie about it! He’s the real deal! And the Republicans and their Nazi media know this, that’s why they’re bashing Huckabee, and only Huckabee! I really don’t think the Huckster is “in on it”, he’s serious!!!
Maybe Huck's just not in on the whole scheme.
Originally Posted by host
Tully, what do you think of people who vote for people to represent them in government, or to be president of the US, candidates who profess to have contempt for government and or no faith that it can work on behalf of the people?
I think all too often anymore the voters are left with a simply decision of the lesser of two evils... which I'm told is still evil.