Originally Posted by Tully Mars
Nothing's free, certainly nothing from the government. Anytime the US government gets involved we end up with $500 hammers and $1000 toilet seats. I can't wait to see what they do with health care. $1,000,000 MRI's... not the machine, each scan?
Well Iraq's a mess the economy's in the crapper what better time to punt. Let the other team have the ball for a few down. If the Dems do win, which I still doubt, I await the constant stream of criticism from Fox News et el.
Tully, what do you think of people who vote for people to represent them in government, or to be president of the US, candidates who profess to have contempt for government and or no faith that it can work on behalf of the people?
If you vote for a man for president, who says and believes this:
Quote Details: Ronald Reagan: The nine most terrifying... - The ...The nine most terrifying words in the English language are, 'I'm from the government and I'm here to help.' Ronald Reagan 40th president of US (1911 - 2004 ...
...or who appoints his campaign manager and then his campaign manager's former college roommate, a fired Arabian Horse Assoc. Judge to head FEMA, don't you think ideas like you expressed in your post will be self fulfilling, compared to say....in the following example?
THE MIDWEST FLOODING; In This Emergency, Agency Wins Praise for Its Response
Published: July 20, 1993
The Mississippi River flooding is providing the first real test of Mr. Witt's ability to manage FEMA, a much-maligned agency during the last several years. So far, he is getting favorable reviews, and the agency's performance appears to be a political plus for President Clinton, Mr. Witt's longtime friend. But Mr. Witt warned that the toughest challenges could lie ahead...
..."What we are interested in is mitigation, in helping to prevent damage and disasters," said Mr. Witt, who ran the Arkansas Office of Emergency Services for over four years before President Clinton appointed him head of FEMA....