Originally Posted by Infinite_Loser
I believe I said, and I quote, "These 'protests', as you want to call them, are nothing more than a thinly veiled excuse to attack a set of religious beliefs and only reinforces the notion that Anon is attacking Scientology because, well, it's Scientology." You then proceeded to validate what I typed out.
The problem isn't so much what's being done, but who's doing it. Seeing as how most of society currently views Scientologists as crazy and most religions consider Scientology a dangerous cult, any reason to attack Scientology is A-Okay (Apparently). The fact is that you don't define what a religion is or what it constitutes. Because it's practices do not conform to whatever definition you want to place doesn't mean it needs to change. Still, it amazes me just how many atheists suddenly care about the way the CoS chooses to run it's religion. It perplexes me.
(Oh, and TFP really needs sarcasm tags as that doesn't go over well on the internet.)
I think you're missing the distinction between Scientology itself and the Church of Scientology. Read up on Free Zone Scientology and this may become slightly more clear.
Nobody takes issue with the beliefs of Scientology as a religion. The Free Zone guys are free to believe in it if they want; I think it's silly to say the least, but if that's your bag then by all means. The Church, on the other hand, routinely engages in practices that are, eh.. somewhat shady, we'll say. The highly touted examples are Operation Snow White and Operation Freak Out, but it goes way beyond that. People who get labeled SP are regarded by the Church and it's members as sub-human. Homes get picketed, employers get called and fed false information. Lies are spread. CoS attempts to strong-arm anyone who calls their practices into question.
Frankly, I wouldn't have a problem with the Church taking people's money if that's all they did. You think the path to enlightenment costs $400 000 and can be given to you by a guy who wrote crappy science fiction, then go ahead and spend your cash. I'll keep mine, thanks. What bothers me is how much the Church works against people who say anything negative about them, how they engage in shady or outright illegal practices in an attempt to intimidate people who don't agree with them and how they get away with it so often. It has nothing to do with religion and everything to do with an organization that bullies, slanders and extorts anyone who they deem to be against them. If Microsoft handed out libelous leaflets condemning Linus Torvalds, everyone would be up in arms; but because the Church of Scientology hides behind the religious excuse they can get a free pass and often avoid close scrutiny. Or at least they could in the past. With the internet being so widespread now information like that becomes exceedingly difficult to suppress and now people are learning exactly what CoS is up to. And a lot of people are very, very angry.
The concept of paying for enlightenment isn't new. Tithing still exists in some Christian sects today, although I don't think any of them enforce as strictly as they used to. A collection plate (a feature of every Christian sect, from what I've seen) is a form of paying for enlightenment.
This is not the issue.
All joking aside, even doing this, speaking out against CoS on a public forum, carries a risk with it (albeit a small one). The people holding these protests aren't wearing masks because they look cool. It's because attending one of these rallies carries a very real risk of being identified, labeled SP and subsequently harassed by the Church of Scientology. Those Free Zone Scientologists I mentioned above? They get the same treatment, because the Church of Scientology
wants the general population to see them as synonymous with belief in Scientology. That's important for them, so that they can continue to make claims of religious suppression.
To use your example above, should we ignore the guy who engages in petty theft just because some people commit grand theft auto? Anon goes after the target they have the ability to affect.