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Old 02-11-2008, 02:24 PM   #37 (permalink)
has a plan
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Location: middle of Whywouldanyonebethere
It isn't so much about the soul, unless we are equating our consciousness as the soul. We can attack this even though such fantastic technology does exist, and probably will not exist for as long as I live.

The idea is what do we think of ourselves when we can create consciousness in other things. Are we any less special? Is the other consciousness any less special? What questions would this new consciousness ask? Could it ask any questions if we didn't acknowledge its conscious presence? Would we recognize its sentient state?

-Off topic- //my speech must be old by now//
I believe consciousness to be something transcending human form, something as integral to the universe as are the laws of physics. Consciousness is just a by product of action/reaction taken to a far extreme. It has evolved, and has yet to finish evolving. When we can create consciousness in "artificial" things, are we any less artificial than us?
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