Originally Posted by Derwood
i think CoS is a bunch of douchebags, but i'm not going to risk my or my family's well being in order to participate in a protest.
sorry, i'm selfish that way
Dude, that's what the masks are for. You do know that Operating Thetans aren't really psychic, right?
I'm not particularly afraid of the Church of Scientology. Maybe I should be, but it seems to me that that's sort of what they're going for. The whole intimidation campaign deal is about making people too afraid to speak out against them, so that they can basically do whatever they want. Unfortunately for them, there's always going to be people like me who are too stupid to be scared.
I didn't participate in the protests, but that was because by the time I'd heard about them it was too late. I hate to use the cliche, but dude, if you let these guys tell you what you can or can't do then the terrorists win.
Oh yeah, I totally just called CoS terrorists.
(Still waiting on the scientologist muscle to come break my kneecaps)