It's funny how all of these smoking threads are almost identical. From the reformed smokers, to the asthmatics, to the asshole smokers and the non-asshole smokers.
I always enjoy reading the "oh noes! I just inhaled 2 seconds worth of smoke! I'm gonna get the black death!" argument

If someone is that worried about carcinogens then.. well don't breathe at all. Cars and planes etc. don't exactly give out fresh air.
I'm not going to stand directly in front of a door and smoke. I'm considerate in that regard, however, if you make some dumb comment about the smell of smoke then.. yeah you'll get a face full of it. If I'm being considerate.. then perhaps you should keep your mouth shut and be considerate as well. If I go to your house, I'm not going to smoke in it. I promise. If you come to mine.. I won't smoke either.. oh wait.. that's because I smoke outside anyway. You have asthma? Well I won't light up next to you. But seriously.. don't think I'm some weak ass pathetic person just because I enjoy a good smoke. We all have habits.. some are just more noticeable than others.
I'm also in agreement that business owners should be allowed to make their own decisions in regard to smoke policies and if they should have the ventilators and extractors etc in order to accomodate both groups of people. You know how lame it is to walk into a pub with no smoke? It's just dumb. I wouldn't even honor it with my money.
Anyways, I think I'll go have smoke now.