WOW, but did he really need to spend $6mill on that. I would assume that for $100,000 or a lil more you can get a good enough set up. Would you really be able to hear the difference that much. Oh well his money...
Originally Posted by fresnelly
Guy: "So this is my $6 million home theatre!
Girl he picked up at a bar:"Ooo, it's so amazing! The vibes just make me want to take my clothes off."
Guy: Oh yeah?
Girl: Oh yeah. Let me just put down my drink and..."
Girl: What?
GuyYou might spill it or something. Geez!
Girl: Oh. Um. Sorry. I didn't...
Guy: That's imported 100% pure sahara desert glass. It scratches very easily.
Girl: Oh. Okay. Um, so do you still wanna...
Guy: I'm gonna go find a coaster.
hehe that made me giggle.