Originally Posted by dd3953
We all know that there more than enough reasons for one not to smoke [cigarettes].
We also know there are a number of reasons why one should not eat meat, cut down trees, throw away things that can be recycled, eat too much fast food, drink too much alcohol, take too many pills at one time, or jump over the Falls in a barrel. However, we can chose to do these things when ever we want to.
Fine smoke kills, but cigarettes are not (yet) illegal and I should be able to enjoy one. But if this keeps up smoking will no longer be my choice - I mean it will be, but I'll be risking getting arrested and/fined for doing so.
There's no such thing as "second-hand vegetarianism." Smoke causes a variety of problems -- some people have asthma, for example. Rooms that people smoke in smell nasty. If they had cigarettes that didn't do these things, then puff away -- otherwise you'll have to do your destructive activity elsewhere. Sorry.