Originally Posted by jewels443
I'm so glad to hear I'm not the only one. And someone has more than me! I only have 157342889 things
Abaya - The bomb smells awesome and softens your skin, makes you smell good too. The soaps and stuff may seem pricey, but I find they really last a long time. The bath bombs are a luxury for me, but I'm on a fairly tight budget and buy their soaps, moisturizers and facial products.
The difference as they bars do last a long time as you said. I have a friend who makes homemade soaps as gifts for the holidays and birthdays etc. They are absolutely wonderful and do last a long time. If you really do enjoy the bath bombs and are interested I could see if she would be willing to pass along a recipe, she has said that they are incredibly simple and easy to make.
As far as my shower, I am about embarrassed. I have 3 bottles each of shampoo and conditioner. 4 bars of soap in various scents(my friends homemade products.. yummy) one scrubby with a wooden handle for getting my back, one bath sponge, one regular bath poof, one of those callous removers, my razor of of course and a small jar of scented fizzy bath salts.