Originally Posted by levite
I dunno.... The first time I read it, there were three or four expressions I couldn't figure out for the life of me. Context provided possible meanings, but nothing definite. Then again, the first time I read it I was 14, so maybe if I were reading it for the first time in college or as a graduate, it might be different....
Perhaps. The first time I read it was while in college.
And way better than Brave New World. I'm a little surprised to see how popular that seems to be! I thought it was a little silly and juvenile when I read it the first time, and I was 17.... Didn't improve when I picked it up again, years later, when I was re-reading a whole mess of things I didn't like as a kid, on the assumption that tastes change over time....
I haven't read Brave New World yet, though I'd really like to. I've always heard that the writing is not nearly as good as that in 1984, but I don't think the writing is why people like it so much. The reason it still appeals to me, despite hearing over and over again that it is relatively poorly written, is because the situations in Brave New World resonate particularly well with our world today.