Don't sleep on your curls! If you want to wear your beautiful curls out for more then a day WITHOUT having to wash, or wet it again, put your hair on the very top of your hear with a soft scrunci ... just make sure you don't pull it through for the last time, making it look like a bun. This keeps your curls protected inside. Anything else being exposed is underneath anyway.
Oy. I wish. Right now I'm in the sixth month or so of growing my hair out from a super cute pixie. It was adorable... and my hair is very pretty when it's long... but right now I'm rocking the Lil Orphan Annie look.
Personal experience! Buy things from a local farmers market if you can. Not only does it usually taste better, but you meet the coolest people, support your local economy, and get great things you can't find at the grocery store. I bought eggs from an Amish guy today, bread from a local bakery, milk from the oldest dude I have ever seen, and a pretty pottery mug from someone I think may be Santa's hippie cousin. Oh, and fried apple pies. YUM.