Originally Posted by MuadDib
Both say they will leave Iraq. Hillary says 60 days into her presidency and has been saying that for a while.
As it turns out, she said she didn't have a timetable in the last debate. This is the first I've heard of "60 days," actually.
Unfortunately, as is typical with political discussions, the title of the thread is total flame-bait. I believe there's more than a little truth to it, but you're going to have Hillary supporters come into the thread steaming mad because of how it's titled.
Personally, I think her supporters underestimate how much the right wing is galvanized against her, and has been from the beginning. I've talked to many people on the left who would either sit it out or vote McCain if she got the nod. I haven't heard anything like that with regards to Obama.
In the end, her experience comes with too much baggage and too many closet skeletons; things like being on the board of directors of the most anti-union corporation in the United States, and never speaking up in their favor; overstating her role in the moderate improvement of Arkansas healthcare; overstating the amount of time she actually held a civil service position before becoming senator; downplaying her former law firm's ties to Wal-Mart; getting entangled in thorny campaign funding issues during her 2000 senatorial campaign; sending out nasty fliers that say Obama doesn't support women's productive rights; saying that he studied in a madrassa in Indonesia; saying he's a slum lord; the list goes on.
As ratbastid said, Obama is acting presidential while Hillary is bent on winning the election. Rumors fly that she's furious about Obama challenging her ascendancy -- that it's not his "time," as though we're playing a game of musical chairs. Never mind the uncomfortable connotation that he simply doesn't know his "place."
Also, I was born in '78; I have never seen an election that didn't involve a Bush or a Clinton. That just doesn't seem democratic to me. It sounds more like warring dynasties. I don't want to see the same old power players in the White House again, only this time of the Clinton royalty instead of the Bush royalty. I want to see a country brave enough to elect a person of mixed parentage, who doesn't know their own father (a Muslim, no less), who smoked dope and not only admitted it but said that inhaling was the
point; who walks up to a stage and galvanizes people not against Republicans, not even against their opponent, but against the politics of Washington that have pushed our economy and our global standing to the threshold of no return.
That person is not Hillary Clinton.