Originally Posted by Molly_Ringworm
If you're with someone who cheats on you. Don't get mad at the woman he is cheating with. She isn't the one who owes you respect. He is.
So he obviously has no respect for you, Have some respect for yourself.
Dump him. Dump him immediately, Dump him hard core. Make sure he breaks his teeth on the curb when you kick him to it.
No excuse will ever make it right again. You can't repair that kind of damage.
Move on.
You are SO right. So many women blame the woman that their man was with! WHY do so many women do that???
Curly Hair?
After reading a few posts on curly hair, just a word of advice on the dog's shampoo. BEWARE! Using it a couple of times can do wonders ... however the residue build up is even worse. I wouldn't advise using it for a long period of time!
Don't sleep on your curls! If you want to wear your beautiful curls out for more then a day WITHOUT having to wash, or wet it again, put your hair on the very top of your hear with a soft scrunci ... just make sure you don't pull it through for the last time, making it look like a bun. This keeps your curls protected inside. Anything else being exposed is underneath anyway.
Definitely do NOT was your hair every day! I started going to a NYC salon whose clientele is ONLY curly heads. They give AWESOME tips and one of them is NOT to was your hair every day!