Originally Posted by MuadDib
The topic of this thread is Hillary's ability to defeat McCain so I think her experience campaigning is quite on point here. Moreover, McCain's not being a hardhitter is the every point... she will crush him once she starts to engage him. Lastly, every politician compromise and some change positions (even Obama; for example his position on marijuana legalization) what's important is that they grow in the right direction.
Obama could not only beat McCain, but he seems to make better decisions in his position than Hil.
Originally Posted by MuadDib
By the way, I'm 26 and have been actively involved in political campaigns at all levels since high school. Comparing your experience to that of Hillary or Barak's is as ridiculous as it is insulting to both of them.
I have no problem insulting them, but it doesn't make me any less right. I worked on the campaigns of Barbara Boxer, Dianne Fienstein, Chuck Reed, and numerous others.