Originally Posted by Ustwo
I'm not sure about that.
This creates a lot of people who have no understanding of firearms, are terrified of them, and think its 'best' if they are outlawed.
Having a gun use and safety class mandatory for all high school students might not be a bad thing for all in the long run.
Oh, I don't disagree with that, but once everyone realizes that guns aren't evil and can be fun in addition to being able to save them in worst-case scenarios, I think we'd be better off not pushing for anyone to own and/or carry who isn't 100% ready to take on the responsibility of carrying a gun for self-defense.
All political correctness and sensitivity aside, of the things guns are made to do, the primary purpose is to allow the user to escape from imminent death or harm by killing the assailant before he can do any harm. Nobody should own a gun for self-defense unless they understand that self defense with a gun requires willingness to kill another person. I hope that I will never so much as have to consider touching a gun in response to a threat, but I realize that if I am armed and faced with a life-or-death situation, that there will be no warning shots, the bad guy's gun will not be shot out of his hand, I will have to shoot first unless the attacker ceases to pose a threat to my life in the time it takes to draw and aim.
I just don't think that the majority of people are willing to make that commitment.