that's fine by me, but don't quote me like it's not something that I know about.
1. People don't know where I am when they call me, I don't have a GPS probe stuck in my ass, nor hand out ASSociated tracking devices. (I'm so fucking clever, or good at pointing out obvious puns, i'll vote myself the captain obvious award now kthx)
2. Texting is often an additional fee with many service providers, sending or recieving.
3. Not everyone who calls me is on a cell phone.
4. not every cell phone has text capability (yeah hard to believe but people still use dialup too)
5. I don't need to "learn" how to text, I'm well aware of how to do it, and it's not nearly as efficient as verbal communication.
That said, I get PLENTY of texts, I usually have to delete my inbox at least once every other day. People don't call me unless..
it's important
it's urgent
they're unfamiliar with texting or don't even know that it's a cell phone they are calling (like said future landlord) (now CURRENT landlord, btw)
It's too complicated of a subject to type about with a 160 character limit.
Would require enough Q&A that it would drag a 30s phone call out in to a 10 minute data exchange.
anyways, imagine all the posts in this thread as exchanges between 2 people on a cell phone, and that everyone types about 3-5 wpm, and that every 160 char, theres a 10 second pause as the message is sent, and a new text dialogue is selected, and then the recipient is defined. I'd rather call them and read it off really quick and be done with it
Last edited by Shauk; 02-07-2008 at 09:50 PM..