Originally Posted by Ustwo
I'm not considering tasting ones own semen as a sexual avenue, therefore the sexual avenue to be opened would be some sort of bisexuality. Note the op said 'tasting his own' and I can only assume that means semen.
To me there is nothing sexual about tasting your own semen anymore than say tasting your own urine.
Because its obviously not gross to her. I know women who don't like it in their mouth, should they be forced to do it if they don't care for it? Then why should a guy?
The point of his question is, why, if it's a gross thing, is it ok for one and not the other? I don't like cauliflower, but I don't insist my kids eat it....
The guy isn't being forced to pull a Ron Jeremy and suck his own dick, just kiss the mouth that kissed his dick. And if the idea that that mouth has just been on his dick is too repulsive to kiss, why is it ok for her to do that repulsive thing in the first place? It's a give and take, ya know? If I'm good enough for someone to give them head, I'm good enough to get a kiss after I'm done. Maybe I've just been fortunate enough to have such affectionate and appreciative lovers instead of "get that mouth away from me! I know where it's been!"