Pot Roast!
6lbs of beef chuck roast (in this case, 2 packs 3lbs each), 1 cup red wine, 1 cup Guinness, 1 small can crushed tomatoes, 6 peeled garlic cloves, 1 onion quartered, 4 carrots halved, 1 can drained olives, rosemary, bay leaf, crushed peppercorns and cayenne pepper. Sprinkle salt on beef on all sides, rub it into all the crevices. Sear beef on all sides on high heat, making sure it develops that tasty steakhouse crust all over. Make sure to give the pot enough time to come back to temperature before flipping/adding the other beef. Remove beef, add all the veggies, making sure to move them around so they don't burn. Add oil if necessary. You just want some of the moisture from the veggies to deglaze the pan a bit, and also to caramelize so delicious bits that will dissolve in the wine/Guinness. Take veggies out, add beef back. I had to stack the roasts on top of each other as there just wasn't any space. Put veggies all around the beef, add tomatoes then the wine and Guinness. Toss in everything else (except for seasoning. Do that later). I also splashed some balsamic vinegar, as I didn't have any Worcestershire sauce. Bring to a boil then drop the temp down to low. Simmer for 4 hours. Yes, 4 hours. Low and slow, gotta let the connective tissue and fats break down gradually, otherwise the meat will tighten up and dry out. About 2 hours in flip the meat. About 3:30, check the meat. If it's falling apart from it's own weight, you're good. Turn up the heat to medium and let the sauce reduce. I had a lot of liquid, so I let it reduce by half. Now season to your taste. During that time I cut and boiled some potatoes, get them fork tender and drain them well. Either serve separately or toss in with the beef. Serve over rice, steamed peas, and a glass of wine or Guinness.