I disagree that the Canadian young people of 10 years ago were more engaged. There was plenty of cynicism and disaffection back then, at least among the young Quebeckers i dealt with at the time. "Parti Quebecois, parti bourgeois" was the chant, and really, people had been voicing the same opinion years before. The only people who chanted that were student activists, but a lot of people who didn't get involved at all felt that way, too.
These days, you have the party of small business with a phony "reform" agenda, the party of Ontario business interests, the party of Quebec business interests, and the party that wants to be the party of Quebec business interests. Maybe it wasn't quite so bad 10 years ago. At least the ADQ was still a minor player.
I miss CRAP. Now that was an acronym!
I don't know how different Canadian and American politics really are. Of course the money amounts are going to be an order of magnitude greater in the US. But in the end, the same pro-business agenda slides out of both parliamentary bodies.