Originally Posted by silent_jay
Oh yeah here's the 'survey' again, and it's more than 6 Canadians.
Missed one. But you probably didn't know.
The way I see it is like this. I tip on the total of the bill as stated in the other thread between 25-35% if the service is very good to excellent. 15-25% if the service is good. If not good or just terrible 10% or less.
As far as restaurants offering discounts as in some percentage off, or 2 for 1 meals, the same tipping method applies. The way I see it is if a restaurant offers a special, they are trying to attract me to become a repeat customer. Therefore I tip on the price of the bill. Otherwise maybe I wouldn't have been enticed to go to that establishment at all, hence zero tip.
People have said that it still takes the same time and effort to prepare, so one must tip on the original price. Why? Why should I cover the cost of the server when their employer is discounting something? I didn't make that decision. If the servers think they should be reimbersed the tip for the original price, that is between their employer and them, not me.
If an owner brings in lobster that he bought for 80% less the wholesale value it would have cost him, and decides to have half price lobsters, half the price of the original marked up restaurant price, then they should compensate their serving staff, not me.
Also getting back to the business that it still takes the same amount of time and effort to do something that is discounted. What then to do with moderate priced restaurants and high end ones. An 8 oz filet mignon cooked medium rare takes about the same effort and time to prepare. If a moderate priced restaurant charges $19.99 and a high end one costs $45.99, do you tip less at the high end place?
And believe me. I eat in restaurants alot because of my line of work. There isn't much difference between a $20 and $45 dollar steak.
And a couple more. Lunch specials? If that Philly steak sandwich is $6.99 rather than $10.99, do you tip on the original? If someone at an all you can eat buffet eats 4 plates to my one, does that person tip more because there are more plates to pick up?
You know what my answer is.