Actually, host, McCain's positions on the tax cuts and waterboarding are matters of public record and have been for a while -- and are part of the reason that the loudmouth fringes of the right detest him.
The rest of your analysis collapses together a bunch of different issues that aren't necessarily related. I agree that the biggest favor we could do for ourselves and for humanity generally is figuring out an alternative non-petroleum based energy source that would enable us to tell the disagreeable regimes who fortuitously sit on the world's biggest petroleum sources to go drink their oil for all we care. The need for oil distorts all sorts of things and makes people's thinking go haywire. I'm not talking conservation or efficiency - I'm talking total transformation. Conservation or efficiency only means that the bad guys get to keep selling us petroleum for a longer period of time.
So I think we need a big hefty petroleum tax, one big enough to make alternative energy economical.