Originally Posted by JamesB
Well, actually .. liability is still liability. As Rekna posted, the open WiFi defense has been defeated multiple times. Your weak examples are based on extraneous circumstances.
I'm glad you demonstrated this with so many links, you know otherwise I would have just thought to myself
JamesB still doesn't know what he's talking about. And thanks for explaining in detail how the links I posted included "extraneous" circumstances instead of just stating it as unsupported fact.
Originally Posted by JamesB
It has everything to do with negligence. You are responsible to secure your connection to the internet. If you believe otherwise, offer up your address to some sexual deviants and let them use your connection for their immoral activities and then quote your "I'm too dumb to secure my WiFi" argument.
I'm glad I mentioned apples and you mentioned oranges because that's the case you're presenting. After reading the following:
I've found no language pertaining to negligence in Copyright Law.
Originally Posted by JamesB
So then just STFU?
How could I educate those in need with my vast well of knowledge if I remained silent? No. I want to share my great gift with the world.
Originally Posted by JamesB
No. Just smarter than you
PS: pwned 
There are plenty of people on TFP smarter than I. RoachBoy, Host, The_Jazz (at grammar), MSD... probably Charalatan, Ratbastid, Cynth, and a few others... but you're not on the list yet and this thread is really damaging your standing.
Originally Posted by silent_jay
Can I post pictures for no reason to...lol.

Be glad I didn't show the "owned" picture of the crucifixion of jesus christ.