I enjoy a bartender that just knows how to make a drink. Seriously. It's not hard. I understand there's a billion people wanting their piss light, but, as well as I tip.. just make it right.
The worst experiences are mostly the times a "life story" drunk gets next to me and won't shut up. Or the time I tipped this chick over $100 (and I only ordered about 6 drinks at this point) and she tried to come back at me later saying I never tipped her and she wasn't there for people's amusement. Of course this was at Coyote Ugly so naturally, I explained that she was in fact there for my amusement and if she couldn't remember the tip I gave her then she should pay more attention. Suffice it to say me and my g/f at the time were kicked out after my drunk ass g/f tried to punch the bitch in the face. So really that was a worst and best experience all in one.