Originally Posted by Ustwo
And here I thought it was Cthulhu.
Thanks for clarifying that.
I still buy their shit though. Your hostile posting style really leaves nothing to respond to, and in fact this isn't really a discussion, yet again, but a bully pulpit for your pet hatreds.
I guess If I agreed with this, from the first quote box in this thread's OP, i would be posting something similar to your sentiments:
.....They're treated very unfairly everywhere -- by the press, by colleges, by political elites, by other countries, by the U.N., by
minorities. <h3>There is no more besieged and victimized group anywhere on the planet than white, Christian, American conservative
males (except, perhaps, right-wing Jews, the only worthy competitor for the glorious mantle of Most Persecuted).</h3> Among other
things, <a href="{0D04F5F9-E7DC-4D8E-A7D8-209D50FF9BCD}">they must battle</a.
"the unholy alliance of leftists, Islamists and multiculturalist racial pressure groups."
Every institution treats them unfairly; every sector poses a threat to their Goodness; they are surrounded by soul-less Enemies
who wish to do them harm. <a href="">Nobody</a> deserves the slightest sympathy -- <a href="">nobody's plight merits the slightest concern</a> -- except for theirs. They are
<a href="">the best people on Earth -- actually, the best people ever in
all of human history. And everyone is against them.</a> Everyone is waging war on them. Enemies everywhere work together to
threaten and harm them. It's all deeply unfair. And they must wage vicious war -- against all the Enemies, Everywhere -- if they
have any hope of being protected.
Do you disagree with any of the description of Glenn Greenwald of the opinion of the people described above? Is Greenwald inaccurately describing how people who's views seem (to me, from reading your posts) of the world political dynamic, closely aligned with yours ?
Where does he have it wrong? Read in the way that Greenwald described it, can you not see, at all, how I could view this mindset as exactly backwards?
I am not the only one who sees what is really going on in the US, and has been since at least WWI.
From Gen. Butler's congressional committee testimony, in the last quote box, (page 20), in my last post:
....I said, “Is there anything stirring about it yet." "Yes," he says; "you watch; in 2 or 3 weeks you will see it come out in the paper. There will be big fellows in it. This is to be the background of it. These are to be the villagers in the opera. The papers will come out with it." He did not give me the name of it, but he said that it would all be made public; a society to maintain the Constitution, and so forth.
and in about two weeks the American Liberty League appeared, which was just about what he described it to be......
Ustwo, we have plenty to discuss. Mr. Shouse was an executive in the democratric party. I'd enjoy reading your opinion about why the NY Times had no interest in seriously reporting on Gen. Smedley butler's testimony in Washington, yet it was in the midst of publishing this flurry of articles about the "new organization" Mr. Shouse was fronting for, backed financially by the same men who Butler testified had attempted to persuade him to take their money for the work of mobilizing a veterans' army to serve as the muscle for their fascist coup:
Article available with Home Delivery/Times Reader subscription or for purchase. LEAGUE IS FORMED TO SCAN NEW DEAL, 'PROTECT RIGHTS'; Smith, Davis, Wadsworth and I. du Pont Among F... [PDF]
WASHINGTON, Aug. 22. -- A group of prominent Democrats joined a few Republicans today to incorporate the American Liberty League, intended, according to its incorporators, to combat radicalism, preserve property rights, uphold and preserve the Constitutio...View free preview
August 23, 1934 - Special to THE NEW YORK TIMES. - Front Page
Article available with Home Delivery/Times Reader subscription or for purchase. UNEXCEPTIONABLE AIMS. [PDF]
As certain of the New Deal theorists in-office became more articulate, and emergency laws began to grow hoary with age, the suggestion was increasingly heard that some of those who believe in the fundamentals of this country should form a sort of vigilanc...View free preview
August 23, 1934 - Editorial
Article available with Home Delivery/Times Reader subscription or for purchase. FINANCE WELCOMES LIBERTY LEAGUE; Leaders See in the Movement a Force for Conservatism in Fiscal Leg... [PDF]
Wall Street is favorably inclined toward the new American Liberty League, sponsored by Alfred E. Smith, John W. Davis, Irene du Pont and Representative James W. Wadsworth. It was learned yesterday that conferences were held with many leaders in the financ...View free preview
August 24, 1934 - Article
Article available with Home Delivery/Times Reader subscription or for purchase. 5 SENATORS COOL TO LIBERTY LEAGUE; ' Conservative' Democrats Call Shouse Organization a Move Agains... [PDF]
WASHINGTON, Aug. 23. -- Five Democratic Senators, who have at various times opposed administration legislation in connection with the New Deal, pledged their loyalty to President Roosevelt and his program today, and denied any intention to align themselve...View free preview
August 24, 1934 - Special to THE NEW YORK TIMES. - Article
Article available with Home Delivery/Times Reader subscription or for purchase. " Right" and "Left" Battle Seen. [PDF]
WASHINGTON, Aug. 23. -- The five Democratic Senators whose names had been mentioned in connection with the American Liberty League tonight affirmed their loyalty to the administration in a statement issued from the Democratic headquarters, in which each b...View free preview
August 24, 1934 - By The Associated Press. - Article
Article available with Home Delivery/Times Reader subscription or for purchase. Many Contributions Reported. [PDF]
WASHINGTON, Aug. 24. -- The enthusiasm with which financiers have welcomed the Liberty League emphasized its being considered conservative and destined to assume a critical role before Congress....View free preview
August 25, 1934 - By The Associated Press. - Article
Article available with Home Delivery/Times Reader subscription or for purchase. GROWING PAINS. [PDF]
" You are being mentioned for President," said a newspaper correspondent once to JOHN W. KERN in his office at Kokomo. "Who is mentioning me?" asked the Senator. "I am," was the reply. It is a good political trick that always works, and the press bureau o...View free preview
August 25, 1934 - Editorial
Article available with Home Delivery/Times Reader subscription or for purchase. ROOSEVELT TWITS LIBERTY LEAGUE AS LOVER OF PROPERTY; ' Love Thy Neighbor' Appears to Be Missing Fro... [PDF]
WASHINGTON, Aug. 24. -- The new American Liberty League is good so far as it goes, President Roosevelt suggested in comment at a press conference today. He indicated his belief that it laid too much stress on protection of property and too little on prote...View free preview
August 25, 1934 - Special to THE NEW YORK TIMES. - Front Page
Article available with Home Delivery/Times Reader subscription or for purchase. CAPITAL EXPECTS SMITH MOVE NEXT IN LIBERTY LEAGUE; Series of Speeches Carrying Organization's Case ... [PDF]
WASHINGTON, Aug. 26. -- This week is counted upon here to clarify whether the American Liberty League will precipitate the greatest conflict of constitutional and economic philosophy of the times....View free preview
August 27, 1934 - By The Associated Press. - Front Page
Article available with Home Delivery/Times Reader subscription or for purchase. PLEDGES POUR IN AT LIBERTY LEAGUE; Shouse Tells of 'Avalanche' of Messages From All Parts of Nation... [PDF]
An "avalanche of telegrams, letters and pledges of support, including many contributions," has swept in upon the founders of the American Liberty League since the announcement of its formation last week. Jouett Shouse declared yesterday....View free preview
August 29, 1934 - Article
Article available with Home Delivery/Times Reader subscription or for purchase. WADSWORTH FIGHTS 'NEW DEAL' IN STATE; Also Says He Runs Only for Congress, but Old Guard Do Not Des... [PDF]
BUFFALO, N.Y., Aug. 30 (AP). -- Disregarding the efforts of the Republican State chairman, W. Kingsland Macy, to restrict the Fall campaign to State issues, Representative James W. Wadsworth, Old Guard leader, has announced that he would lead a drive to m...View free preview
August 31, 1934 - Article
Article available with Home Delivery/Times Reader subscription or for purchase. SHOUSE ELECTED BY LIBERTY LEAGUE; Plans Educational Program With Widespread Organization in All Sec... [PDF]
WASHINGTON, Sept. 6. -- Jouett Shouse, who led the successful interim campaign against President Hoover from 1929 to 1932 and later directed the final assault of the wet forces against the Eighteenth Amendment, has been chosen president of the new America...View free preview
September 7, 1934 - Special to THE NEW YORK TIMES. - Article
Article available with Home Delivery/Times Reader subscription or for purchase. LEAGUE AIM TO END FEAR, SHOUSE SAYS; New Deal Policies Scored by Implication in Resume of Liberty G... [PDF]
WASHINGTON, Sept. 7. -- Implicit criticism of administration policies as embodied in operations of the NRA, the Agricultural Adjustment Act and the Gold Reserve Act of 1934 was voiced by Jouett Shouse, president of the American Liberty League, in a radio ...View free preview
September 8, 1934 - Special to THE NEW YORK TIMES. - Article
Article available with Home Delivery/Times Reader subscription or for purchase. Bond Club to Hear Shouse. [PDF]
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November 7, 1934 - Article
Article available with Home Delivery/Times Reader subscription or for purchase. In Washington; American Liberty League Soon to Begin Activities. [PDF]
WASHINGTON, Nov. 9. -- Now that the elections are over, something will soon be heard of the American Liberty League. Partly because of the unfortunate atmosphere that surrounded the announcement of its formation, the league was silent -- if not dormant --...View free preview
November 10, 1934 - By ARTHUR KROCK. - Article
Article available with Home Delivery/Times Reader subscription or for purchase. Bond Club to Hear Shouse. [PDF]
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November 20, 1934 - Article
Article available with Home Delivery/Times Reader subscription or for purchase. LIBERTY LEAGUE A TARGET.; New Representative Will Urge That It Account for Sponsorship. [PDF]
WASHINGTON, Nov. 20 (AP). -Frank E. Hook, Democratic Representativeelect from Michigan, said today that his first bill in Congress would be "to place the American Liberty League under the provisions of the Federal Corrupt Practices Act."...View free preview
November 21, 1934 - Article
Article available with Home Delivery/Times Reader subscription or for purchase. SHOUSE DEFENDS LIBERTY LEAGUE; It is 'Educational,' He Says, and Will Inform Congress of Its Views ... [PDF]
The purpose of the American Liberty League and the course it intends to follow were outlined to several hundred members of the Bond Club yesterday by Jouett Shouse, president of the league. He spoke at a luncheon at the Bankers Club, 120 Broadway....View free preview
November 21, 1934 - Article
Article available with Home Delivery/Times Reader subscription or for purchase. AMERICAN LIBERTY LEAGUE. [PDF]
View free preview
November 25, 1934 - By JOUETT SHOUSE. Speaking Before the Bond Club, He Submits That It Is Progressive and Constructive. - Editorial
Article available with Home Delivery/Times Reader subscription or for purchase. NEW DEAL IS TARGET FOR GRIDIRON CLUB; Roosevelt Hears Fun Poked at Policies and Aides at the Annual... [PDF]
WASHINGTON, Dec. 8. -- President Roosevelt, as guest of honor at the semi-annual Gridiron Club dinner tonight, came face to face with the man who publicly proposed that, by a simple constitutional change, Mr. Roosevelt be made a hereditary monarch, but wh...View free preview
December 9, 1934 - Special to THE NEW YORK TIMES. - Article
Article available with Home Delivery/Times Reader subscription or for purchase. SHOUSE FOR RELIEF RUN BY RED CROSS; In Speech at Boston He Says That Organization Should Handle Dir... [PDF]
BOSTON, Dec. 8. -- Transfer of direct relief distribution from government hands to those of the American Red Cross was urged tonight by Jouett Shouse, president of the American Liberty League, in a speech before the Beacon Society of Boston....View free preview
December 9, 1934 - Special to THE NEW YORK TIMES. - Article
Article available with Home Delivery/Times Reader subscription or for purchase. NYE SEES IN LETTER BY RASKOB 'BIRTH' OF LIBERTY LEAGUE; Enlistment of du Ponts and General Motors t... [PDF]
WASHINGTON, Dec. 20. -- Evidence viewed as giving the "birthplace and birth-time" of the American Liberty League, nonpartisan critic of some New Deal policies, was uncovered today by the Senate munitions inquiry in the form of some correspondence in which...View free preview
December 21, 1934 - Special to THE NEW YORK TIMES. - Front Page
Article available with Home Delivery/Times Reader subscription or for purchase. Chronological Survey of the Outstanding Financial Events of the Past Year; Incidents of a Confusing... [PDF]
The financial history of 1934 is told in the following columns, which give, so to speak, a bird's-eye view of the past year's notable financial developments. The narrative of each month is introduced by a summary of the period's general trend and statisti...View free preview
January 2, 1935 - Article
Article available with Home Delivery/Times Reader subscription or for purchase. SHOUSE BOOK ASKS BUREAUCRACY CURB; System Is at Record Height, He Says in 'You Are the Government,'... [PDF]
WASHINGTON, Jan. 1. -- The present economic emergency has led to the greatest development of bureaucracy in the history of this government, Jouett Shouse, president of the American Liberty League, declares in a book, "You Are the Government," which appear...View free preview
January 2, 1935 - Special to THE NEW YORK TIMES. - Article
Article available with Home Delivery/Times Reader subscription or for purchase. SHOUSE ASKS DEBT CHECK; Holds Roosevelt Work Relief Plan Depend on it. [PDF]
WASHINGTON, Jan. 4. -- Commenting on President Roosevelt's message, Jouett Shouse, president of the American Liberty League, expressed a view today that if the government did not increase the national debt beyond $31,834,000,000 by June 30, the work relie...View free preview
January 5, 1935 - Special to THE NEW YORK TIMES. - Article
Article available with Home Delivery/Times Reader subscription or for purchase. The Role of Citizen; YOU ARE THE GOVERNMENT. By Jouett Shouse. 122 pp. Boston: Little, Brown & Co. ... [PDF]
MR. SHOUSE'S explanation of the fundamental principles of the American system of government is distinctive in its constant endeavor to link the individual citizen to the processes of government and impress upon him his personal responsibility for the dire...View free preview
January 6, 1935 - Review
Article available with Home Delivery/Times Reader subscription or for purchase. TWO BOARDS LISTED BY LIBERTY LEAGUE; Many Open Foes of New Deal on Executive Committee and Advisory... [PDF]
WASHINGTON, Jan. 8 (AP). -- The American Liberty League today disclosed that many open anti-new dealers had become aligned with it to complete the organization of its executive committee and advisory council....View free preview
January 9, 1935 - Article
Article available with Home Delivery/Times Reader subscription or for purchase. SHOWS DU PONT AID TO LIBERTY LEAGUE; Shouse Report to House Lists $104,830 Gifts, Many From the Del... [PDF]
WASHINGTON, Jan. 10. -- The American Liberty League has received substantial contributions from several du Ponts, Hal E. Roach, motion picture producer, and numerous other persons, but nothing from Alfred E. Smith, one of its founders, or John W. Davis, a...View free preview
January 11, 1935 - Special to THE NEW YORK TIMES. - Article
Article available with Home Delivery/Times Reader subscription or for purchase. DEMOCRACY FACES END, SAYS SHOUSE; He Declares That Bureaucracy Will Displace It if Relief Bill is P... [PDF]
PHILADELPHIA, Feb. 4. -- Assailing the Roosevelt administration's $4,880,000,000 work-relief bill, Jouett Shouse, president of the American Liberty League, asserted here today, that the future of democracy in this country was bound up in the measure's fat...View free preview
February 5, 1935 - Special to THE NEW YORK TIMES. - Article
To distill this further, what has been happening at least since WWI is that the same song is financed and distributed to us, over, and the current edition, it is about "Islamo Fascism". It knows no single political party, only the party of power and money, which are indistinguishable.
The corporate news media, is "not liberal", and neither is the democratic party. Quite the opposite is the truth. There is no "left" in the US, only the men with the shears, and the herd to be sheared. We're going to cover the 40's, 50's, and 60's, next. If you view it as "hate" posting, it is your reaction to information, well supported, reasonable, easy to defend.
Here's a preview, have you ever heard of this group?
I am trying to convey to you that I am not privy to exactly who calls the shots and what the agenda is, but I can post with a high level of confidence, and back it up....that the political dynamic in the US is not what you think it is, and the problems you perceive, (trial lawyers, and muslim extremists, for example) are the distractions, not the problems. <h3>The actual problems are the people who invest in steering you to focus on the "problems" of trial lawyers and muslim extremists....</h3>
Last edited by host; 02-03-2008 at 11:50 PM..