Originally Posted by Halx
The title of this thread is meant to incite, so I'm not very appreciative of it. Instead of a discussion, this is a barrage. Instead of growth, the participants experience anxiety over their positions. There is a better way to do this. Please for the future, respect the medium and strive towards better threads.
If this was a barrage, istead of a discussion, how do you account for the series of posts begun by military veteran, "Tully Mars", in his post #57 ?
How do you broach a subject such as this, a symptom of what happens in a "this is my country, right or wrong, no matter what policies it's government pursues", political atmosphere?
Consider the negative references towards Berkeley, historically, all the way back to Reagan's first campaign for California governor, in the mid 1960's.
Consider the fact that even with the US leadership "lying us into war in Iraq", the expose of military recruiting abuses in the film, Farenheit 911, the outrageous and grievously counterproductive and offensive military decisions and practices exposed via photoraphic evidence at Abu Ghraid prison (the US military decided to continue using the most dreaded and torture associated prision of the regime it ousted, for the same purpose, holding Iraqis indefinitely without trail or charges and abusing them in heinous ways...), consider that only ENLISTED US military personnel were jailed for the offenses at Abu Ghraib, and the overriiding consideration:
The conduct and deceit of the US commander and chief and the military, in justifying war, conducting war, in accountability, or not, and in abusive, deceitful recruiting, is still considered acceptable, the norm, and the reaction to recruiters in Berkeley is said to be, by the majority....fringe. extreme left thinking and action.
How should I have worded the title, to balance upside down thinking? Who's sensibilities was I supposed to tread more softly on, the people who take offense about the description of military recruiters, as described in the title, even though the description is accurate and the background is, if it encompassed the deeds of belligerence done by another country, an assault on even the value systems of those blinded by the flag and 9/11?