OK ladies, I went to the gyno today. (So much better to go to a gyno instead of some random doctor

) When I told him my problem of no sex drive his first suggestion was an IUD. Unfortunately insurance often doesn't cover the IUD so he doesn't do them very often. ($400-$500 just for the device and insurance companies only reimburse him $100

I told him being a college student, I would have to save up for it if it had to come out of my pocket. In the meantime he said that many of the women that come to him have raved about Yaz. He gave me a prescription and wants to see me back in 3 months to see how I am liking it and if my sex drive has come back.
Truly a great doctor!
I am sure that much of the information is already known, but he did say that between Yaz and Yasmin, mos of his patients tend to do better on and prefer Yaz.