Sure... Hornady TAP .223 is fine for CQB. Fancy pants ammo is great. Military steel core ball? Not so much.
I'd rather have a heavier bullet for up close, myself. Odds are ya only get a single shot. Make it count.
This whole ammo versus platform debate? I like two-handed weapons in pistol calibers for home defense (Bushmaster 9mm CAR). A rifle caliber pistol would be the exact opposite of my first choice. A straight pistol (H&K USP 45) followed by a straight rifle (CAR-15) would be next preference, then maybe something like my cute little ProOrd Type 97 CAR-15 pistol.
Meh, I was worried more about maximum range than penetration. Penetration is rarely an issue when drywall / flat windows are involved but how far a 9mm will fly versus how far a .223 will fly isn't any mystery.
I think this silly sub-debate is less caliber-size concerned and more projectile-type concerned.
Using prefragmented rounds (preferred) or hollowpoints for home defense is a good idea.
"In buckshot we trust."
Last edited by Plan9; 02-02-2008 at 10:47 PM..