Originally Posted by allaboutmusic
If it is an intimately revealed detail, it can be a huge breach of trust. My closest friends know things about me that I wouldn't want other people to know, and vice versa. I'd be a really piss-poor friend if I extorted money out of them to not reveal what they have told me confidentially... and if one of them did that to me, you can bet your ass that close friendship would be over.
That's not really what I'm talking about. In your example,
revealing the information would be immoral, since it was given to you in confidence. It doesn't matter whether there was a blackmail attempt. And I agree that it's a piss-poor thing to do to a friend.
Suppose you're walking around in a public place and see some guy who you know is married pick up a hooker. Since you have the right (both moral and legal) to keep that information to yourself, and you have the right to reveal that information to the wife, why is it then wrong to sell that decision to the man? Yes, it's a mean thing to do, but am I the only one who thinks that mean does not necessarily mean wrong?