i grew up in a single parent, horribly abusive home. i suffer from the after affects, but i function. i work where i have health benefits. if they didn't have them i would find a place that did. life sucks, folks. thinking that the govt is going to be able to fix it is just a bad idea. if true competition between providers was allowed, and people could choose who they want to see, the prices of all of this would go down. the govt is in such crappy shape financially and we are continuing to ask more of it. where is the money going to come from? just because they can print it doesn't mean it has any worth. you can get good medical care for major surgery in india for a third or less of what they charge here. if more people could get over there for these major things, the price would come down here. and if people weren't suing the pants off of doctors the cost would drop. right now if the govt takes a leak in your cornflakes, can you sue them? no. imagine how bad it will be when the malpractice starts up under a govt program. no redress of grievences. it's a bad idea.
"My give up, my give up." - Jar Jar Binks