I'm assuming you have made sure that it isn't muted, the drivers are available and working, and some programs can see that you have a sound driver present. Here are some thoughts that come to mind.
- Make sure that the 1/8th-inch speaker cable is plugged in
- Make sure the speakers work (plug into a different computer or stereo out system)
- From here on you have to pop the box open. If you have an external sound card, make sure that is in the slot all the way (maybe he dicked it out installing/uninstalling the NIC)
- Try putting the Sound card in a different slot - Not going to happen if the card is internal on your motherboard.
He might have shorted the Sound card. If you can access another computer, pop it in there and try to install it and see if it works. I recommend getting a tech savvy friend, tech savvier than me, for suggestions C and D.
Originally Posted by mixedmedia
This morning I opened up my iTunes to listen to some music and discovered that I have no sound. No sound whatsoever.
Well that's your problem there! iTunes! //joking, hates iTunes, grumbles//
I honestly recommend trying to play sound through a different player.
Damn, meddlesome kids.
And you would have gotten away with it too if it weren't for them and their dog too!
try running a diagnostic with this tool here. You can post that in here, but DO IT WITH [CODE] inside [HIDE=Everest Home Report] tags. No sense in filling up the whole thread space with one post miles long.
And if this fails, bring the little prick over and tell him he broke it, he'll fix it. It worked fine before he dicked with it, regardless if it was the lightning strike.