since i work in the food service industry. i should chime in.
When a discount a given you should tip on the ORIGINAL price.
1) the same amount of work is required to prepare your "discounted" item.
2) most servers pay a percentage of sales out to bussers/host staff/bartenders, usually 3% of sales. when calculating sales the original tab is always used. so you should always tip on the original amount or the server gets shafted because he just got a bad tip and he's also tipping out so he just made even less. thats why tipping today should be atleast 18%. 15% for the server and 3% for the support staff (bussers,host,bartenders)
you eat out and it cost $100. you have a discount for 50%.
when the restaurant calculates how much food was sold, the amount of food sold is $100. So you end up paying half and the restaurant pays for the other half. The server gets tipped $18. Tips out $3. Ends up making $15 on the table. INDUSTRY STANDARD.
if the server gets tipped off the discount price... $9. tips out $3. He then ends up making $6 for the original $100 tab.
correct tip, server makes $15
incorrect tip, server makes $6.
thats a big difference for a $100 tab.