It's not really killing our future. I appreciate how hard it is to feel like things are improving, especially while processing the glut of information that's available these days, but things really are improving the world over. From time to time all populations have to be reminded how vital our rights are. People strive for stasis and comfort in their lives, and in a democracy it's especially easy to fall into a state of complacency. There's work to be done, and there are very real problems in our politics and our bureaucracy, but northing so dire it can't be fixed. It's easy to understand why you sense a cabal, some type of guiding cadre, but it's just people being people. While Bush and his administration have likely broken laws, certainly subverted the spirit of the constitution, they are going to be gone in a year. Banks and corporations have always sacrificed ethics for profits. In the same vein, journalists, pundits and politicos use sensationalism and alarmism to peddle their wares.
In heaven all the interesting people are missing.
Friedrich Nietzsche